Define Mesopotamia Cradle Of Civilization

Mesopotamia is often regarded as the cradle of human civilization by many a scholars across the globe. The ancient civilization was indeed the first step towards the urban culture we all live in today. All the aspects of the civilization be it art, culture or the civilization everything seems to be perfect in Mesopotamia.


The ancient civilization located between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates was one of the most fertile regions of the whole region which was also one of the prime reasons for the mushrooming of this civilization.

This particular region is actually regarded as the birthplace of a number of civilizations in history. Even before the civilizations of Rome, Greece or Egypt came into being there existed a much more advanced civilization in this region in 4000 BC. It is here that the much spoken about Sumerian culture originated.


Though the enriched land of the region was a positive factor the unpredictable rivers at times washed away entire cities. The region saw surplus food production and hence attracted a heavy number of migrants from neighbouring regions the only concern of whom was to prevent the lowland from flooding.

Over time however owing to the speedy progress they made the habitants of this region formulated ways to fight all their battles. An effective irrigation system made good use of the abundant water available and also prevented flooding. Surplus food production led to collective cereal production which was also perhaps the first of its kind then.

The earliest forms of writing were developed here. Known as Cuneiform the Mesopotamian’s developed a way jotting impressions on wet clay. With the development of writing the ancient people got a very powerful tool to pass on essential research items like agricultural techniques, etc. Keeping a track of properties also became easier thanks to the evolution of writing.

Another notable advancement in Mesopotamia was in the field of banking. The most basic of banks were either temples or palaces which had abundant safe storage places.

The masses initially deposit food grains here but later went on to deposit more valuable stuff like precious metals, etc. Literature also boomed in this period. Both poetry and prose were seen rising steadily in this era.